SPLASH-E is a symposium, started in 2013, for software and languages (SE/PL) researchers with activities and interests around computing education. Some build pedagogically-oriented languages or tools; some think about pedagogic challenges around SE/PL courses; some bring computing to non-CS communities; some pursue human studies and educational research.
At SPLASH-E, we share our educational ideas and challenges centred in software/languages, as well as our best ideas for advancing such work. SPLASH-E strives to bring together researchers and those with educational interests that arise from software ideas or concerns.
Fri 25 OctDisplayed time zone: Beirut change
10:30 - 11:00 | |||
11:00 - 12:30 | |||
11:00 10mDay opening | Welcome SPLASH-E Elisa Baniassad University of British Columbia | ||
11:10 50mTalk | Scalability of Experiential Programming Courses SPLASH-E | ||
12:00 15mShort-paper | Parallelism in Practice: Experiences Teaching Concurrency and Parallelism in an Undergraduate OS Course SPLASH-E Charlie Curtsinger Grinnell College | ||
12:15 15mShort-paper | Microsoft MakeCode: Embedded Programming for Education, in Blocks and TypeScript SPLASH-E Thomas Ball Microsoft Research, Abhijith Chatra Microsoft, Peli de Halleux Microsoft Research, Steve Hodges Microsoft, Michał Moskal Microsoft Research, Jacqueline Russell Microsoft |
12:30 - 14:00 | |||
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 30mFull-paper | Towards Answering "Am I On the Right Track?" Automatically Using Program Synthesis SPLASH-E Molly Q Feldman Cornell University, Yiting Wang Cornell University, William E. Byrd University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, François Guimbretière Cornell University, Erik Andersen Cornell University | ||
14:30 30mFull-paper | Evaluating ProDirect Manipulation in Hour of Code SPLASH-E Quan Do Williams College, Kiersten Campbell Williams College, Emmie Hine Williams College, Dzung Pham Williams College, Alex Taylor Williams College, Iris Howley Williams College, Dan Barowy Williams College | ||
15:00 15mShort-paper | Experiences in Bridging from Functional to Object-Oriented Programming SPLASH-E Igor Moreno Santos Università della Svizzera italiana, Matthias Hauswirth Università della Svizzera italiana, Nate Nystrom Università della Svizzera italiana | ||
15:15 15mShort-paper | ChocoPy: A Programming Language for Compilers Courses SPLASH-E Rohan Padhye University of California, Berkeley, Koushik Sen University of California, Berkeley, Paul N. Hilfinger University of California, Berkeley Pre-print |
15:30 - 16:00 | |||
16:00 - 17:30 | |||
16:00 30mFull-paper | Theia: Automatically Generating Correct Program State Visualizations SPLASH-E Josh Pollock University of Washington, Jared Roesch University of Washington, USA, Doug Woos University of Washington, Zachary Tatlock University of Washington, Seattle | ||
16:30 30mFull-paper | Lambdulus: Teaching Lambda Calculus Practically SPLASH-E Jan Sliacky Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Petr Maj Czech Technical University | ||
17:00 30mTalk | Panel & Group Discussion SPLASH-E Elisa Baniassad University of British Columbia |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
Topics of interest: The SPLASH-E Symposium invites contributions to think broadly on how computing education connects to the curricula that students experience. A focus on courses in introductory CS, software engineering, programming languages, and/or compilers (or other SPLASH-related topics) is expected, but not required. Some examples of topics include (but are not limited to):
- student assessment
- new best practices
- innovative curriculum, assessment or course formats
- multidisciplinary learning environments
- integration of research into teaching and training
- individual and multidisciplinary team development
- methods to involve industry as a key stakeholder in the design, delivery, or both of courses
- new modes of learning and education in the digital era
- industrial transfer of educational findings
- ethics instruction
- equity, diversity, and inclusion, in the classroom
- methodological aspects of education
- application of educational research methods in education
- online learning and its impact on educational settings and curricula
Formats of interest:
- 500-word max lightning talk proposals on projects in progress, zany ideas, reflections, or educational opportunities that SE/PL researchers might be missing. These can be a way to find collaborators for projects, inviting critique on research designs, or just ways to inspire good conversations. Lightning talk presentations would be 3 minutes apiece.
- Short papers (3-5 pages): Course experience reports: What was new, or different? What worked, or didn’t? What successes would you like to share, or pitfalls can you warn us about?
- Full papers (10 pages): Conventional papers on education research results, tools or case studies. We also invite papers on retrospective discussions over a longer-term course experiment, or larger-scale curricular design.
- Page limits do not include bibliographies.
- If your submission does not conform to one of these formats, please contact the chair to discuss!
About the deadline: We know educators are highly constrained in terms of time: if you need a more flexible deadline please contact the chair.
Publication information: Short papers and full papers appear in the ACM Digital Library. Lightning talk descriptions will appear on the website only.
Submission instructions:
Submissions should be blinded. use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference acmart
Format, with the sigplan
and review \documentclass
options. This produces two-column, 10pt files. If you use LaTeX or Word, please use the provided ACM SIGPLAN acmart
templates provided here. All submissions should be in PDF. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.