SPLASH 2019 - Athens, Greece
SPLASH is the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity. SPLASH embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the premier conference on the applications of programming languages—at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering. SPLASH 2019 will take place in Athens from Sunday 20th to Friday 25th of October 2019.
SPLASH includes the following co-located conferences: OOPSLA, Onward!, GPCE, SLE, DLS, and MPLR; as well as a large array of workshops and events.
The Rebase track (formerly “SPLASH-I”) will feature a number of speakers of interest to software practitioners and researchers alike.
Videos from SPLASH tracks and events
Access to all SPLASH event proceedings, for registered attendees. Password supplied in your registration materials.
Rebase talks

Augmenting Raw Materials with Sensing and Computation
Phillip Stanley-Marbell

Challenges in Large-Scale Application Development
Adam Welc

Growing Databases to Exabyte Scale
David F. Bacon

Growing thousandfold over a half-century: Form and forces of Unix architectural evolution
Diomidis Spinellis

Machine Learning for Program Analysis
Miltiadis Allamanis

Quantum Programming
Jens Palsberg

Climate Change and Software 2.0
Alan Edelman

The Dawn of the Cloud Computer
Rodric Rabbah

Improving Engineering Productivity at Scale
Ciera Jaspan