SPLASH 2019 (series) / Wytse Oortwijn

Registered user since Mon 11 Nov 2019
Name:Wytse Oortwijn
Since August 2015 I am a PhD candidate at the Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) research group at the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands. My main research is focused on program logics, in particular separation logics, as well as program abstractions, process algebras, theorem proving, and high-performance, parallel and distributed (symbolic) model checking. I am currently working on verifying distributed software using both deductive and algorithmic reasoning. My Master’s thesis, named Distributed Symbolic Reachability Analysis focuses more on high-performance model checking and can be found here. My curriculum vitae can be found here, last updated on September 2017.
Affiliation:University of Twente
Personal website: http://wwwhome.ewi.utwente.nl/~oortwijnwhm/
Research interests:Program logics, in particular separation logics
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