SPLASH 2019 (series) / Verislav Djukic

Registered user since Mon 1 Apr 2019
Name:Verislav Djukic
Verislav Đukić is a software architect employed in Nürnberg, Germany. He is involved in the development of PLC based Run-Time Systems, modeling tools, Domain-Specific Languages and control logic for medical devices and robots. Verislav holds a Ph.D. in software engineering from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Mr. of science in information systems from University of Belgrade, Serbia. His current research interests are related to the domain-specific modeling and model execution.
Other experiences are related to:
- embedded systems;
- robot controllers;
- automation and measurement;
- real-time systems;
- CASE tools development;
- domain-specific modeling;
- development of compilers;
- software for medical devices;
- model-driven software development;
- document rendering;
- document engineering; and
- document management systems
Affiliation:Djukic Software
Personal website: http://www.djukic-soft.com
Research interests:domain-specific modeling, case tools. real-time systems, robotics, automation, PLC
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