SPLASH 2019 (series) / Javad Ebrahimian Amiri

Registered user since Wed 19 Dec 2018
Name:Javad Ebrahimian Amiri
I’m currently a 3rd year PhD student at Australian National University, working on facilitating the implementation of programming languages for real-time systems. My previous research experience includes working on better interrupt management in real-time operating systems (e.g. RTEMS).
My research interests include design and implementation of real-time software (e.g. RTOS, compiler, VM, …). I’m also very interested in doing research on system-software development for many-core and heterogeneous architectures.
Affiliation:Australian National University / Data61
Personal website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/javad-amiri/
Research interests:Real-Time Systems, Operating Systems, Language Runtime
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