SPLASH 2019 (series) / Azalea Raad

Registered user since Wed 7 Jan 2015
Name:Azalea Raad
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:MPI-SWS, Germany
Personal website: http://www.SoundAndComplete.org
Research interests:Weak Memory Concurrency, Non-Volatile Memory, Program Logics, Separation Logic, Concurrent Reasoning, Verification
- Effective Lock Handling in Stateless Model Checking
- Effective Lock Handling in Stateless Model Checking
- Weak Persistency Semantics from the Ground Up: Formalising the Persistency Semantics of ARMv8 and Transactional Models
- Effective Lock Handling In Stateless Model Checking
- Panel: Current PhD Students and Postdocs
- Panelist in Speakers & Panelists within the PLMW-track
SPLASH 2019-profile
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